I've been extremely busy with DealBase work, so have lagged on blogging, but have some interesting things coming up and hope to post more soon. Recently I added RSS feeds to all of the city/destination and hotel pages on DealBase. This is just one more way for you to keep up to date with all the deals we add to the system. Our other primary way, aside from browsing the site of course, is to sign up for personalized alert emails. This lets you follow one or more cities, and set criteria like class of hotel (i.e. you only want to see 4 and 5 star hotels), maximum price, and so on. You can set a schedule for how often you want the emails (once a week, twice a week, daily, etc.). We'll send you up to the best 10 deals that match your criteria. You can also simply subscribe by just supplying your email address and nothing else and we'll set your initial preferences for our top 10 destinations. We'll continue to enhance this alert service, and I'd love to hear any suggestions people have for additions, changes, etc.
Development of the alert emails has been interesting. One of the most useful tools throughout has been Litmus' email testing service. It's pretty slick. They cover quite an array of email clients, both web hosted (Gmail, Yahoo, Hotmail, etc.), as well as desktop (Outlook, Apple Mail, Notes, etc.). They also do spam testing. When you begin a test, they supply you an email address specific for that particular test run, and then you just email them the real email you want tested. You can also paste in an email, but I prefer to do the sending approach to as closely mimic the real thing as possible. I have my IRB and various other bits configured to make it a single command to fire off test cases to a Litmus supplied email address, and the whole process works great, and is truly worth Litmus' cost.
I started off mentioning RSS, and back to that... The RSS does work differently than the email alerts (obviously), and to some degree the web page. It is like selecting the "Most Recently Posted" sort on a page (see below image). Deals are supplied to the RSS feed as they're posted, just like a blog would do. Just one more way to stay on top of deals. Oh, and don't forget we're on Twitter too.
02 October 2009
DealBase Now With RSS Feeds For Hotel Deals
Posted by
9:25 AM
Labels: DealBase
20 August 2009
Further Continuous Integration travels: Hudson, and Back to Integrity
[Update: I resolved the Git issue, and have now switched to using Hudson. The advantages of it's in-progress display, ability to more closely monitor and/or kill a build, and my impression of it being more stable, won the day.]
After switching our CI server to Integrity, there were a few blips, one of which is that we were hitting swap (memory). Hitting swap is not surprising and I'm surprised it hasn't been a problem sooner, since memory is our #1 battle. I figured if I was going to up the memory on our CI server, I might also try Hudson, as that was the main reason for not trying it previously.
The short story is that I tried it, and we're back to Integrity, but I learned some interesting things. The following is both some notes on installation, as well as some reasons why it didn't work out...
Installing Hudson
Our CI box is a slice at Slicehost, running Ubuntu 8.04 LTS, and I'd just upped it from 256MB RAM to 1GB. Also of note, I've built and install Git 1.6.4 for this system. The following are brief notes on getting Hudson going as it wasn't quite as simple as most folks made it out to be...
First, I followed the directions on the Hudson site for installing Hudson from the Ubuntu package. This amounts to adding the package repository, updating apt-get, and then doing:
sudo apt-get install hudson
This installs all the Java 1.6 stuff you need (and mine seems fine with 64bit Java), and other dependencies. After the install, Hudson is running, on default port 8080. Next up I added a server block/configuration in Nginx for Hudson (and unlinked/removed Integrity). I then went to Hudson in my browser. What I got was an error message about the xstream library. Fixing that was easy, as it turned out: downloaded the latest (1.320 at the time) hudson.war from the Hudson site, and replaced
with it. Restarted Hudson, and voila, now it was up and running.Also, Hudson runs as the user "hudson", so I needed to add an SSH key for that user, and then add the public key to GitHub. And, setup a ~hudson/.gitconfig as needed. Finally, as I found later, do a git clone or an SSH to github so that you get past the whole SSH authenticity question when you first SSH to an unknown server. Note, the Hudson user is not an interactive user, i.e. you can't directly login as that user, so to gen the SSH key, you'll need do something like su to root and do,
sudo -u hudson ssh-keygen -t dsa
.Configuring Hudson
Before adding a project, I needed to config some plugins. I went to the Manage page, clicked on Installed, and turned off the Subversion plugin and restarted. Next was going back in to manage plugins, and installing the Git, Github, and Rake plugins, and again restarting. Both restarts showed an Nginx bad gateway error, but simply refreshing got it back (probably just needed more time for Hudson to restart).
Then to configure a build, from the main Hudson page after a fresh install, click the "create new jobs" link. In the ensuing form, enter a project name, and select "Build a free-style software project".
- checked "Discard Old Builds" which then shows you options (so you can put in keep for X days, or X number of builds)
- Added URL for Github project, http://github.com/yourproject/yourproject
- Select Git as the SCM, and entered by git@github.com:yourproject/yourproject.git URL for the repository
- Turned on merge after build option. This will supposedly add tags for the build to your code base and then merge them back in. More on this in a bit.
- Next I configured the build steps for my project. All I really did here was take the same build steps I used for Integrity, and added them as individual shell and rake tasks.
At this point, I fired off a build (truth be told, I started with just a single build step to vet it), and things worked, with the exception of the very last step, where I push the Git tags back to GitHub. This is what I saw:
[workspace] $ /bin/sh -xe /tmp/hudson1444107192962944065.sh
+ /usr/bin/git push --tags
XML error: syntax error
error: Error: no DAV locking support on https://github.com/dealbase/dealbase/
error: failed to push some refs to 'https://github.com/dealbase/dealbase'
I've now been searching for answers to this, and haven't yielded anything. I've tried the git push directly from a shell, with the same result. If I do this as a different user (e.g. under my user) it works fine. This git push is attempted both as part of a rake task (the ci_tag task), as well as I tried making it just a straight shell command in Hudson.
After a lot of googling, and asking, and no resolution in sight, I've gone back to Integrity...
Comparisons and Notes
First off, I think Hudson looks pretty stellar. There are a TON of plugins for it, and it seems quite mature and polished. The essentially 100% configuration via the GUI is slick. Install, despite a few hoops above, was actually pretty painless. So, here's just a few notes/opinions:
- You will need some memory to run Hudson, more than with Integrity or CruiseControl.rb. From what I can tell, you probably want a system with 1GB or more. Various other folks I talked to all had 2GB or more systems, and their Hudson processes were taking 1.5GB or more. This is partly just a Java thing. It should be noted, the others were running more than one build with Hudson, and mine seemed to work fine on a 1GB total memory system (didn't seem to hit swap).
- Hudson allows you to kill a build while it's running (nice!).
- Hudson works with CCMenu/CCTray out of the box.
- The git integration has more options in terms of picking branches, doing merging, and various more involved operations, but doesn't have GitHub post-receive hook support out of the box (there are plugins up on GitHub for it, but not listed in the standard plugin list).
- Hudson runs as user "hudson", which is a user that has no shell. You could change this, although the idea is you shouldn't have to. However, this complicates setting up SSH keys and various things. And, of course, I had the issue with Git as mentioned above. I could probably change this to run as my user and so on, but part of all this for me is not having to change a lot of defaults and start messing with core configurations/designs of the system. In part, I just don't have time to do that, and to maintain it (these kinds of changes often cause problems when you upgrade versions, etc. - also known as you may forget to redo these changes if an upgrade undoes them :).
- The UI and web app itself is quite nice, understandable, well done in general for something like this.
Also, thanks to the Tea-Driven blog for motivating me to try Hudson (and for some tips on Testjour - more on that in another post).
I really only have one main complaint about Integrity, and that has to do with indication of a build in progress. It essentially doesn't indicate it - it says it hasn't been built yet, but a build may actually be running. The CCMenu/integritray plugin will show you that a build is running, so this mostly solves my problem, but this seems like a core failure. I may have to look at fixing this. And that is a win for Integrity in that it's Ruby, and thus I'll be more apt to go fix this (while I spent MANY years doing heavy Java work, I don't have interest in working in that code anymore for a task like this).
One thing that remains an advantage for CC.rb is that it has "build artifacts" - i.e. you can create files and such as part of your build and have those known to CC.rb, where it then links to them in the summary of your build. You may or may not need it, but it's also very handy for simply showing you the Git tag you created on a successful build. I just touch a file in the build artifacts dir with the name of the Git tag, and then I don't have to dig through the output of the build to find my Git tag.
That's all the time I have for today, hopefully this is also helpful to others...
Posted by
2:28 PM
Labels: ContinuousIntegration, Hudson, Integrity, Testing
17 August 2009
Setting up Integrity for Continuous Integration
Recently I switched the DealBase continuous integration server to use Integrity instead of CruiseControl.rb. This happened because I'd been having some sporadic failures under CC.rb that didn't seem explainable (no code would change, and tests would fail at random), and also due to some changes in Cucumber between versions, it all conspired to switch.
It should be noted that, as you might guess, the "random" failures were not exactly random, but suffice it to say that the root cause re-inforced my notion to switch. My main beef with CC.rb has more to do with it being somewhat in bed with Rake and wanting to run your CI build via a rake task, and some of the issues (or impurities?) that come up with that. But I'm boring you...
Anyway, Integrity... Setup is relatively easy, and is covered fairly well on their setup page/docs. But the following is what I did, which I'm documenting for myself and anyone else who may find it useful.
I setup my server to use with Nginx and Passenger. I tried using Integrity with Nginx and Thin, but wasn't able to get Integrity to work right (similar to the results defunkt had when they tried it at GitHub). We've standardized on Nginx+Passenger, so this was good anyway. I nuked the Nginx I had already and proceeded (all this being done on an Ubuntu Hardy VPS system at Slicehost):
sudo gem install passenger
sudo passenger-install-nginx-module
I let it install Nginx, and picked the default location. I then re-added our HTTP Basic Authentication and a few other Nginx tweaks as I had in the prior Nginx configuration. Next up was to install some prerequisites and Integrity itself:
sudo apt-get sqlite3 libsqlite3-dev
sudo gem install integrity do_sqlite3 thin
integrity install /home/ci/integrity --passenger
cd integrity
Next you'll want to tweak config.yml to customize the domain where you'll access your CI server. I left the rest the same. Then setup Integrity's database:
integrity migrate_db /home/ci/integrity/config.yml
I also added the "integritray" plugin, so that I could continue to use CCMenu to monitor my builds. See the integritray GitHub page for simple install.
Now point Nginx/Passenger at your install, by adding the appropriate server block for a Passenger Rails app, such as:
server {
listen 80;
server_name your.ciserver.com;
root /home/ci/integrity/public;
passenger_enabled on;
auth_basic "Restricted";
auth_basic_user_file /opt/nginx/conf/htpasswd;
Finally, fire up Nginx, and surf to your CI server domain/URL. You should see something like this:
Click the "create your first project" link, and enter details about your app. The "Git repository" field should get your GitHub or other git server URL (e.g. your clone URL). For a build script, the following is what I used:
rake log:clear && RAILS_ENV=test rake db:reset && spec --options spec/spec.opts spec/**/*_spec.rb && RAILS_ENV=cucumber rake db:reset && cucumber --strict -q --format pretty features && rake ci_tag
This is one nice thing about Integrity - it's pretty much any command you can give it. Sure, you might want to wrap that up in a Rake task, or a shell script or however you want to do it. I just entered that raw so it's overly obvious exactly what it's doing. I also found this to work better than doing it as a Rake task, as somehow I wasn't getting the environment to switch properly under Rake. The "ci_tag" rake task is my task for tagging/labeling succesful builds in Git, etc.
Next, you'll want to setup a post-commit service hook on GitHub. You can get your Push URL by clicking the edit link for your project in Integiry:
Note, that works even with HTTP Basic Auth, just add your user credentials to the Push URL before pasting it in on GitHub.
Finally, fire off a build. And note, one downside of Integrity is that it doesn't indicate (in the web UI) that a build is underway. It just says it hasn't been built yet. The integritray item and thus CCMenu will show you that it's building though.
Lastly... some have asked why not XYZ CI server? A few notes on this:
- Hudson: this looks awesome, but also somewhat overkill for our needs. I have one project to build, and I'm doing it on a very inexpensive slice that has only 256MB of RAM - I doubt I could even start Hudson in that little RAM, being it's a Java web app, etc. Secondarily, I'd prefer to have the app be Ruby so I can hack on it (I've made at least very minor tweaks to every CI server I've used to date).
- cruisecontrol.rb - this is what we were using, and it worked well, with minor exception to some random failures and the Rake-oriented build process. I'd really say this is minor though, and would suggest folks try it out. You can of course refer to my previous writeup on setting up CruiseControl.rb :)
- CI Joe/cijoe - this is actually what I started with when I looked at exploring alternatives. I had problems getting the build working properly, which seems odd. In hindsight that may have wound up being due to some problems during our switch to a newer version of Cucumber. But, one thing I didn't like is that there is no state maintained, so if you stop and start cijoe, it loses track of all its previous builds. This may or may not matter much to you, but I didn't like that. I also didn't want to spend time writing notifiers/CCMenu integration type stuff for our needs. I will ay that cijoe setup/install is pretty cool.
- Run Code Run doesn't have a viable plan for us yet, plus I've heard having it run custom rake tasks and such doesn't work (wrong?). Furthermore, I didn't really want our private code on their servers and didn't see a need to outsource this.
- others... either hadn't heard of them, they didn't work well with Rails, or whatever - upshot, Integrity worked, got it up and running fairly fast, and didn't need to spend any more time on this.
Posted by
4:09 PM
Labels: ContinuousIntegration, Integrity, Rails
16 June 2009
Moving Further Into the Cloud
A little bit ago, I went back to using multiple computers again. For a while I'd just done everything with a MacBook Pro, which was nice - only a single machine to maintain, always had everything in one spot. But alas, twas time for more performance, so I got a Mac Pro, which is now my primary work machine, with the laptop relegated to basically iCal and Things for the bulk of the day (as my 3rd monitor), and then any portable needs, or working on the couch or deck, etc.
Anyway, my main thing against multiple machines, after having spent many years with anywhere between 2 and 5 machines (mostly while working for Adobe), was the maintenance and synchronization of those machines. So, now that I'm back to 2, I am back to wanting/needing my data on whatever computer I'm using. These days this also really extends to my iPhone to some degree as well. It's my truly portable computer. So, with all the "cloud" computing/services these days, this is to some degree easier. I'm not that big a fan of Google having all my data, but I will use the services that are the best in class, or best for my needs, and no doubt some of that is Google, but there are many others.
I have not gotten all my data truly available on all the computers I want it on, or as well as I'd like yet, but I'm getting closer. Also, I agree with Al3x in that if the data is important, only having it on a free cloud service is not wise. I haven't fully followed that, but that is part of my plan. Here's some notes on what I've done so far...
This one is easy. I use Gmail for all my email accounts (about 15 if you count across various domains and so on). Right off, this is one case where this is the only place my data/email lives, so I'm only solving the accessible from anywhere issue. But, I'm also of the mind that I could pretty much lose all my email and be fine. If there are truly important things in it, that data tends to wind up getting put in somewhere else (EverNote, etc., see below) as appropriate. Gmail is so much better than any other Email. I even use it for some non-traditional things, like all our recipes are stored in a Gmail account. Makes it easy to trade recipes amongst friends and family, great for searching, and again, I can get to it from anywhere I can access the web.
Further, I use MailPlane as my actual mail client. It is a very rare day that I use a web browser to view Gmail. On the iPhone I just use the regular iPhone mail client, which has some drawbacks, but for my needs is ok.
Notes and Misc Data
This is the place that recently changed and has become an outstanding solution. I used to use 37signals Backpack, but now use EverNote. EverNote is really quite amazing. I hadn't noticed the Notebooks before, and that's been a great feature for me to do high level organization. Then, the searching is quite good (and of course Backpack essentially didn't even have searching). But, what really swung this over was their desktop client, web storage, and then iPhone client. This gives me great desktop performance, but then access from any web browser, as well as iPhone, AND I get the data stored locally and off-site (i.e. on the web). Furthermore, it sync's across computers. So, I feel like the data I have here is very safe (since it's in at least 3 places). Even better, this allowed me to stop paying for Backpack (my use of EverNote is nowhere close to their paid account). I don't mind paying for software at all, but I had felt that I wasn't getting the solution I wanted from Backpack, so didn't want to pay for that any longer.
GitHub and Git. Do I need to say more?
Two things here: .Mac and Delicious. I use Safari as my primary browser, and leverage it's Bookmark Bar for common stuff, so sync that across machines and iPhone with .Mac. Delicious gets all the other bookmarks.
RSS/News Feeds
Another recent change was to stop using NetNewsWire which I've used forever, and switch to Google Reader. Specifically what made this work well was creating a Fluid app with the Helvetireader styling. NNW had sync via NewsGator, but it really just didn't work well. It didn't seem to keep the list of feeds in sync, and then it's sync during feed download just didn't seem to cut it. So now, with the fluid app, and then just plain Reader (via browser) on the iPhone seems to solve this all nicely.
So far this is a mix of using DropBox and Google Docs. DropBox is awesome for keeping files in sync across machines, and then also available on the web. I've been ramping up my use of DropBox.
Things that Aren't sufficiently solved yet
Calendar and Address Book
Update: I'm now using .Mac to sync Address Book, seems to work great.
I'm using iCal and Address Book. Primarily this is due to the super easy sync with the iPhone. I can sync two computers with BusySync or some other things, but haven't seen a great solution yet, as well as haven't investigated that much. Even with .mac I think you still have to have a primary calendar and you're publishing to the other, etc.
I've used Google Calendar in the past, but didn't like it that much, and part of all this is ensuring sync is brain dead easy and solid. My wife and I sync calendars with BusySync, but that has been spotty. The various Google/iCal sync things I've tried have been iffy in the past. And, the real key is, how well will it sync Google cal to the iPhone calendar? An area I need to learn more about.
Address Book, not sure of my options here either. Sync's nicely with iPhone, and .Mac so far.
Music and Photos
I've yet to see an iTunes sync thing that works really well. We tried TuneRanger but it was not good when dealing with two existing libraries. Also, we have a lot of music, so keeping it backed up on S3 or similar actually starts to cost real money. Of course these days, the primary need for this is to sync to my iPhone. Most of the time at home I'm listening to Pandora or some similar thing. I use Pandora a lot on the iPhone, but I also listen to various podcasts, and then there are times when Pandora isn't feasible (crappy/no signal, or I'm needing to use another app on the phone while listening to music).
These same issues hold true for photos/Lightroom libraries. With Lightroom so far, for each calendar year, I have a Lightroom catalog, and then at the end of those years, I burn DVD's with the photos. Of course, the DVD's are just sitting in our house right now, not in a safe deposit box, etc. (we used to do that, but haven't since we moved to Oregon - lazy). But my bigger concern here is that I'd like my Lightroom library to stay in sync across my two machines, so I can use the burly Mac Pro when working at home, but then have my MBP when on the road.
I guess that's it for now. What solutions do you like? What are people doing for large data (GB's or TB's of music, photos, video, etc.)?
Posted by
1:51 PM
Labels: cloud, sync, synchronization, web-services
12 May 2009
Passenger Fails to Regenerate Cached/Aggregate Assets for Rails
At DealBase, we've been testing Nginx with Passenger, and have mostly had good results. There are two issues that have come up, hopefully only one of which may broadly affect others.
The first issue, which likely affects anyone using this, is that it appears that if you combine and cache CSS or JavaScript via tags like this in Rails:
<%= stylesheet_link_tag :standard, :cache => 'standard' %>
<%= javascript_include_tag :jquery, :cache => 'jquery_all' %>
The ":standard" and ":jquery" symbols are expansion symbols for multiple CSS/JavaScript files defined in a Rails initializer. On the first request Rails gets, it's supposed to combine all the files as per the expansion symbol definition, and then produce a "cache" file, so you have a single file that is included in your HTML.
This worked fine for us under Mongrel, but it didn't seem to regenerate under Passenger after doing a deploy, even with a restart to Passenger. We had to do a second restart of Passenger, and then hit the server at least twice, if not more to see it get picked up.
Thanks to a tip from Engine Yard, one solution can be found on the overstimulate blog, where they detail how you can add a rake task that you call during deploy to regenerate those cache files. This is really even a nicer solution under Mongrel and others, as it will mean it doesn't occur during your first request.
The second problem seems confined to my MacBook Pro laptop (no problem on my MacPro tower). That is, I simply cannot get Nginx+Passenger to work. It installs fine, Nginx runs, but I get some odd permissions problem from Passenger:
2009/05/12 11:57:52 [alert] 19611#0: could not create /var/folders/7m/7m7ezMSTHdiBHz5bzVyNDE+++TI/-Tmp-//passenger.19596/control_process.pid (13: Permission denied)
2009/05/12 12:01:19 [crit] 19611#0: *1 connect() to unix:/var/folders/7m/7m7ezMSTHdiBHz5bzVyNDE+++TI/-Tmp-//passenger.19596/master/helper_server.sock failed (13: Permission denied) while connecting to upstream, client:, server: dealbase.dev, request: "GET / HTTP/1.1", upstream: "unix:/var/folders/7m/7m7ezMSTHdiBHz5bzVyNDE+++TI/-Tmp-//passenger.19596/master/helper_server.sock:", host: "dealbase.dev"
The first line of those two lines occurs when I start Nginx. The second happens when I try to surf to a page from my app in my browser (which makes sense given the first error :) If anyone has any suggestions on this one, let me know!
Posted by
3:01 PM
Labels: Nginx, Passenger, Rails, RubyOnRails
11 March 2009
Front End Rails Developer Job at DealBase.com
At DealBase, we have an opening for a part-time front end Rails developer at DealBase.com. The opening is for US residents only, and for individuals, no agencies or recruiters please. Most likely you'd be working remotely/telecommuting. The job posting, which is posted in several places, such as Rubynow, Working With Rails, and Rubyjobs.in, covers all the details, but I'll relist it here for ease:
DealBase.com, a startup hotel deals site, is looking for a stellar front end web developer who will adapt our current look/feel to new features, leverage JavaScript for useful and fun features, and is eager to apply their skills to enhance the user experience of our site. We're looking for you to share your knowledge and make an impact, be passionate about your work, and up-to-date on the latest technologies. If this is you, and you enjoy working with a small, distributed, agile team, then we'd love to talk with you.
Requirements for this position:
- Deep knowledge of XHTML and CSS
- Familiarity with browser capabilities and restrictions for all major browsers
- Solid JavaScript skills
- Experience with/demonstrated use of Git
- You use and demand MacOS X as your primary development environment
- Comfortable at the command line
- Basic skills for image editing and optimization for the web
- Exposure to and basic knowledge of Ruby on Rails
- Great communication skills
- Attention to detail
- Ability to work both independently and on a team
- Eagerness to share ideas and problem-solve creatively
- Experience working on consumer oriented web applications/consumer focus
- Quick learner, and good at digging in to problems
- Agile development practices
- You are based in the US.
- Individuals only (no multi-person firms, agencies, etc.)
Nice to have:
- jQuery experience
- GitHub experience
- MySQL experience
- Use of test frameworks, TDD, and BDD
- experience with Linux
If you'd like to work with us at DealBase.com and think you're a good fit for this position, send us a resume and sample work, or let us know where we can see your resume and work/code, by emailing jobs@dealbase.com. Please note, we are only considering candidates based in the US.
I'm excited to find a great developer to work with. DealBase has been an awesome company and app to work on, and we're already experiencing great success. We have some pretty cool features planned, and it'd be ideal to get some real CSS and JavaScript ninja skills making those features even better. So, if this is you, please do get in touch, making sure to send email to the right email address as outlined in the job description.
Posted by
9:49 AM
Labels: DealBase, git, JavaScript, Jobs, jQuery, Rails, RubyOnRails
02 March 2009
Deploying per-server crontabs with Capistrano
There's been a couple cool writeups/solutions to deploying your crontab files when you deploy with Capistrano, which I think is great. I can't find the first one I saw (mention in comments and I'll update), but on GitHub, javan has the whenever gem that is really more about allowing you to define crontabs with Ruby/Rails' time methods so you don't have to remember the crontab file syntax which none of us ever seems to be able to remember. You can of course integrate this with Capistrano (and that's covered in his Readme). The point of all this: no more having to remember to go put in or uncomment a crontab entry once you deploy a certain build, and keeping your crontabs under version control. However, for us, none of the solutions out there worked quite right, and I just use what I find to be a simpler setup.
First, we have multiple servers with different crontabs per server. Also, we have some environment variables that get defined within the crontab so that they work properly on our Engine Yard slices. I just found that, while yes, I sometimes don't remember all the crontab syntax perfectly, I also don't do this often enough for that to be an issue, and would rather just have the real deal right there, so I knew exactly what I was going to install on my server. Lastly, I didn't really want to have yet another gem dependency for something pretty straight forward like this (IMHO).
So, get on with it you say, what's the solution? Two pieces. First, I create a crontab
directory within my Rails app's config directory. In that I store crontab files named by the hostname of the server - the same thing you'd get by doing a hostname
on the server. You could add an extension or whatever you want, but the hostname is what makes this work easily, so you want that somewhere in your file naming convention. We only have a couple servers and I know them well, so I just went with pure hostname for now. The contents of each file are exactly what you'd see in the crontab file on the server, for the user you set it up under.
Second, a simple Capistrano task to affect the given crontab file on the server, with an after hook to run it:
task :write_crontab, :roles => :app do
puts "Installing server-specific crontab."
run("cd #{deploy_to}/current/config/crontab; crontab `hostname`")
after "deploy:restart", "write_crontab"
That's it. You can obviously tweek this for your own setup, for example, maybe you need to run it on all roles, or different roles, or what not. Your run command might need to be more robust (or run a shell script or rake task) for example if not all servers have crontabs or you have something more dynamic. But, as you can tell, setting this kind of thing up is pretty straight forward, and it's great to keep your crontab setups in version control. Thanks to you guys that stimulated the idea in the first place.
Posted by
10:20 PM
Labels: Capistrano, Rails, RubyOnRails
04 February 2009
MySQL Performance Issues and acts_as_versioned
Recently we ran into an interesting performance issue with MySQL. We have an automated process we run at night a few nights a week that does data harvesting for hotel rates and such. This data is versioned so that we can look at historical values. However, this script had begun to really crawl. Originally it took a couple hours to run. But it had gotten to the point where it could take almost a day.
I tracked this down to being a SQL MAX call used by acts_as_versioned to determine the next version for one of these records. The problem is that it had to sift through nearly 10 million records. In testing this on my local machine, just one of these SQL queries could take 45 seconds! Think about doing this across oh say 100,000 hotels, ya, not good.
The good folks at GitHub ran into this same thing (with a table of 36M records) on nearly the same day. Their approach is similar to the approach I'll be taking on another table (which isn't currently affecting us this way, but will have different benefits), which was to split it into two tables, one with older data. I could have done this, and would have, but the reality was that we simply didn't need to keep these versions, as we weren't using the data. So, luckily, I was able to just no longer version this particular model, and throw out that table. After doing that, I ran the script and it took just over an hour. Yea!
So, this is something to note if you use acts_as_versioned with models that have frequent changes and a decent number of those models to begin with (think multipliers). One of the things I'll be looking into in the future is whether that MAX needs to get done, or whether acts_as_versioned can be smarter about how it does it. On first glance you'd think you could just use the version number on the original model itself, but that number isn't guaranteed to be the latest number, since you can rollback versions and so on.
Posted by
5:53 PM
Labels: MySQL, Performance, Rails, RubyOnRails
13 January 2009
Renaming a GitHub Account and Forked Repository
Today I finally bit the bullet and renamed the DealBase GitHub account and repository because it was previously named after an early incarnation of the business name (before we'd actually decided on a name). I had expected this to be a bit tedious. In particular, I had started the original repository under my own GitHub account, and then forked it into the company account. Being a private repo, you can't delete the original repository without it deleting any forks (and back in the day ;-) you couldn't even delete repos on GitHub). But, as it turned out, it was pretty easy and didn't take long or involve that much fixing or things that use the code base.
I did ask the GitHub folks for some tips, so these steps factor that info in. Also, before you do any of this, you should of course heed the typical disclaimers, make backups, etc. That said, first, rename the account. You can do this in your Account page on GitHub. Look at the bottom of your account page for this:
You don't even need to re-clone your repo for this. Once you've done the rename, you can simply edit your local .git/config file to fix up the account name. Do this anywhere you have cloned the repo - for example on your continuous integration server, deployment scripts, cached copies of code on your staging and deployment servers, Tracker-GitHub post-receive hook service, etc.
Now on to renaming a private forked repo. If you just need to rename a repo, you can do that on the Edit page for a repository and then repeat the above steps:
But, if you have forked a private repo, it's slightly more involved, but don't fear!
- First, make sure you (and anyone else working on the project) have no work in progress, or that you somehow save off that work outside of the repo.
- Do a pull from GitHub so you have the most up to date codebase.
- On GitHub, delete the original repository (not your forked copy, but from the location you forked it from). This will cascade and delete your forked copy as well. You'll find this right below where you can rename it on the repo's Edit page:
- Optionally rename the directory, on your local machine, of the codebase/repo.
- Now create a new repository, with your new choice of name, on GitHub.
- Then, follow the instructions to import an existing repository. In doing so, on your local machine, go into your codebase, and use that. This will preserve the full Git history and everything from the repository, pushing it up to GitHub just as it was before, but under the new name and rooted at the [new] account.
- Fix up all things that use the GitHub account, as mentioned above, like CI servers, deployment scripts, and so on.
That's it, you're done. Pretty straight forward and shouldn't take much time. Thanks again to GitHub for making life so much better in source control land!
Posted by
11:52 PM
05 January 2009
My Setup and Software
I too read Al3x's interview the other day, and like John Nunemaker, figured I'd share my setup, as I enjoy reading what others use and often can pick up a few interesting tools or tidbits.
Unlike Mr. Nunemaker, my desk is too messy, IMHO, to photograph right now :) However, many similarities aside from that. On with it...
I use a 17" MacBook Pro with 4GB RAM as my only machine these days. Like Alex and John, I really like having just a single machine, and I no longer work for a corporation where I'd worry about that. DealBase is cool and wouldn't try to make some wacko claim to some work not relevant (and we've explicitly discussed my use of a single machine, etc.). I have my MBP open on a laptop arm from Ergotron, and then my primary monitor is a 30" Dell. Really love the big monitor. I do my main work o the 30", and then the laptop screen has TweetDeck, iChat, Things, some Fluid apps, and other things that I tend to more glance at, and aren't primary work items.
Further, I use a wireless Apple keyboard, and like John, I just love this thing. I can't tell you how long I'd been looking for a keyboard that was just a keyboard (but with arrow keys). I hate normal keyboards that take up so much extra space on the right side (my mouse side) with stuff I rarely use - which only exacerbates problems with having my arm/elbow canitlevered further out to use the mouse, sometimes causing arm strain after long days of coding. I use Logitech MX Revolution cordless mouse, which I like quite a lot.
Transitioning to music... I use JBL Creature speakers, and listen to a variety of things, or nothing. Pandora, via a Fluid app, iTunes (my own playlists, or various Ambient "radio" stations), etc. Either that, or we have a whole-house NuVo Concerto audio system, so sometimes I have that on either with XM satellite radio, or to a playlist from the iPod we have hooked into it. The NuVo setup is nice because it fills my office with sound a bit better (via in-ceiling speakers), but I have more variety via the computer.
As with Alex and John, I am absolutely in love with my iPhone 3G. It is even better than expected. It has essentially replaced my 80GB iPod in the car, typically because it's more up to date, and I like it's UI better; I can remotely work on servers if I have to via iSSH, play games if I'm bored, use InstaPaper to read things I've set for reading later, sync with Address Book and iCal, and of course Twitter, via Tweetie. So, yes, I use Apple's Address Book and iCal, for great sync, simplicity, etc.
Ok, onto dev stuff. My primary work is on Rails-based web-apps, although I dabble with other things as well. DealBase is my day job, and I'm also involved with Bring Light.
Yet again, like Alex and John, I spend the bulk of my time in TextMate, iTerm (a better Terminal, IMHO), and Safari. And actually, I do my development testing in nightly builds of WebKit/Safari, and all my other browsing in standard Safari. I do pull up Firefox for testing, and to use YSlow and sometimes Firebug (although I've been finding the dev tools in WebKit nightlies work well). I've used Emacs - did so for about a year when working with Linux as my desktop. I ditched it back then in favor of Visual SlickEdit, but these days TextMate just rules. I don't get the Emacs passion - why do you want to press two keys for everything, especially the most common things? Yes, I know, you can setup different bindings, etc., but come on the most basic things like saving, opening, copy, paste, etc. should be "single" key (and by single I mean some meta+key) strokes by default. I do fire up vi all the time at the command line on remote servers, and even occasionally on my MBP for some real quick edit. Also, I spend the bulk of my day in my text editor, so yes, appearance matters, and TextMate kills others. I've also used a lot of IDE's in the past, from IDEA, to Eclipse, to Visual Studio. Visual Studio is actually quite good if you have to suffer in that world, but I find Eclipse just plain crappy. IDEA was great for Java, and their Ruby setup will be something to keep an eye on, but generally, the setup I have now works well.
I have all my code for nearly everything I do (e.g. both private and open source/public) on GitHub, and truly love it. Git has been a huge win, and gives me the best of, as well as improving SVN and Perforce. I'm using GitX for most of my commits and history browsing these days.
I use RSpactor for continuously running our RSpec suite, and we also use RSpec stories (but haven't converted to Cucumber yet). I recently added speech output to RSpactor, and that is my preferred notification instead of Growl. We use Pivotal Tracker for tasks/stories/features as well as bug tracking. We used to use Lighthouse, but having it all in one place was nicer, and Tracker wins big time in my opinion. If you want GitHub post-receive hook for Tracker, I recently whipped that up, and its been a real nice addition. We too use Hoptoad for exception notification, and really like it. Also, New Relic is in use at DealBase. I also like viewing Google Analytics with Analytics Reporting Suite, a slick AIR app.
I really like Navicat as a GUI for database stuff. It's proprietary/pay software, but honestly, it's worth it to me. I can do all this stuff command line fine, but the GUI simply makes it a heck of a lot faster to view the results, quickly re-sort on a column, mess around with queries, etc. Also, it has great SSH support, so I can tunnel into all my server's DB's with ease.
I have CruiseControl.rb setups for all my Rails apps, and make use of CCMenu for a nice little status menu item showing me what's going on with those.
I pretty much can't live without LaunchBar. Same goes for 1Password.
Skitch is quite handy for showing sharing and annotating screen shots, and we use Google Docs and Gmail. Speaking of email, I am a huge fan of Mailplane, which is a Mac app for Gmail. Integration is superb, and I can quickly switch around my 15 or so Gmail accounts with ease. I find it superior to a Fluid app for Gmail, since the integration is better and it handles multiple accounts.
I host most of my own web apps on Slicehost, and DealBase is at EngineYard.
I also use Backpack some, although not nearly as much as I used to, and access it about 99% of the time via Packrat. MarsEdit is my blog authoring tool of choice. NetNewsWire is my RSS reader.
All of my photography and photo processing, etc. are done in Adobe Lightroom. I use the Flickr plugin for it as well.
Various other bits:
- TextPander
- WeatherDock
- Pukka
- Flickr
- Del.icio.us
- xScope - a great screen ruler app
- Photoshop CS3 (look for my name in the about box too :)
- JungleDisk - I do some backups with this
- SuperDuper! Still my favorite backup, although I use TimeMachine too
- CSS Edit and XyleScope sometimes
- Last.fm - is running all the time, but I really don't actually make use of it, kinda silly.
- Acrobat Pro and Reader
- XCode (or TextMate) if I'm working on an Objective-C/Cocoa app.
- iStat menus
- YouControl Tunes
p.s. One other bit I can't live without but really isn't computing hardware/software, is my espresso setup. I use an Expobar Brewtus II machine, Macap MC4 stepless doserless grinder and a variety of cups (mostly Nuova Pointe and Illy). I use only totally fresh beans from a variety of places (favorites include Blue Bottle, Ecco Caffe, PT's, 49th Parallel (unfortunately not often, since shipping from Canada makes it a bit cost prohibitive), etc.). Coffelab tamper and Bumper stand and knock box. My espresso bar is kept clean (unlike my desk). The pictures are a bit older, so don't show bottomless portafilter in use these days.
Whew, that's more than plenty. What's your setup?
Posted by
10:20 PM
Labels: ContinuousIntegration, CruiseControl, DealBase, environment, Espresso, git, Gmail, iPhone, laptop, Mac, Nuvo, Office, Pivotal Tracker, Rails, RSpactor, Ruby, TextMate