- The Be Book - yes, this is the original manual for the Be computer - a collectors item now I'm sure :) This will go on eBay for sure.
- 3 dead hard drives
- Dead SonicWall VPN box
- Old video cards, NIC's, SCSI cards, etc.
- USB Bluetooth adaptors
- Mac Cube computer
- US Robotics Mac&Fax 28k modem
- Several Iomega Zip and Jazz drives (I still use a Zip for some things)
- Tons of cables, many useful, many I have no idea what they even are. Some include, parallel, serial, SCSI (in about 4 formats), ADB, telephone, power, the list goes on.
- Tons of converters, parallel, serial, ADB, null modems, PS/2 to USB, etc.
- A couple 10Mbit hubs (10MBit is so last century!)
- A half dozen cruddy old mice (the computer kind, not the rodent!)
- Lucent Orinoco Gold WiFi PCCard
- Inkjet printer
- A flatbed scanner
- About 10 bags of software/instructions for APC backup power units
why did your sonicwall die, so did mine it was t2. i was originally attracted to your site after searching why sonicwalls die, but was intrigued by your orinoco card, you are throwing it away and i really need one.
I don't know what happened with the Sonicwall, basically just stopped
working. It was out of warranty, so basically dead/too expensive to fix. I'm using a Cisco PIX box now, supplied by my employer.
I sold the Orinoco card.
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